Divorce is a situation whereby legally married
couple separates or dissolves their matrimony. Divorce can be carried out in
law court, but can also be decided by the couple. These days the issue of
divorce has become the rule rather than the exception so many-things are
Foremost is infidelity. This is a
situation where either of the couple engages in extra marital affairs in most
cases those affairs end up in pregnancy, giving rise to children outside matrimony.
Most men or women cannot bear the sight of their husbands or wives keeping a lover outside, let alone
bringing a child from outside into the family this more than anything else, is
responsible for the rising wave of divorce in our society secondly impotence
accounts for some of the divorce today . some couples stay for as long as five
years or more before getting children in most cases the main threatens or even
sacks the wife and marries another three wives simply because they have not
been able to give birth to males. The present state of the economy has no doubt
contributed to some women. Divorcing their husbands, & going in search of
greener pastures every day we hear stories of women abandoning their husbands
and children, and going into prostitution, just to make ends meet. Such women
must have been fed up with deteriorating standard of living in their families
as result of bad economy. Furthermore, alcoholism cannot be ruled out as far as
divorce is concerned. There have been several instances of men coming back late in the night drunk more often than
not wives of such men receive severe beating at the slightest provocation. Wives, who cannot continue to cope with this
daily beating but bolt away never to return alcohol has rendered so many men
unproductive and irresponsible, they can no longer cater for the family,
because no sooner do they receive their pay than they deposit it with the
barman most woman call it quit after they can’t cope feeding the children as
their husband’s have proved incorrigible. Again intolerance hs broken so many
homes most people do not know that to be able to stay together both husband and
wife must be able to tolerate each other. No one is angle. Everyone has virtues
as well as vices and people should understand this. If both husband and wife really love each
other then the should be able to overlook some of each other bad aspects people
should therefore be physically and psychologically mature before marrying as
immature couples have not been known to be tolerant.
Another factor rocking marriages today
is women liberation. In these days when women feel enslaved & want to be
set free activities towards this freedom have ended in divorce. So many men
can’t bear to share. Equal right with their wives neither. Can they keep quiet
when their wives shy away from their divine duties most women have forgotten
that the man is the head of the family, and that the women should submit
herself to the man when the women begin to assert freedom and equality with man
it usually ends in physical combat a situation capable of making the women pack.
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