Friday, 17 July 2015



            Indecent dressing has being a major concern, yet indecent dressing is the simply means deliberate exposure of one’s body to the public.
            This practice is contrary to the acceptable norms and value of the society. Do you observe that most ladies had gone haywire all the in the name of the dressing?
            Indecent dressing is the major cause of various assault and sexual harassment recorded in the society. Overtime as a result of civilization Nigeria ladies dress half naked to occasions all in the names of fashion and this is contrary to the prestige, placed on African women. For instance Nigerian ladies derive in wearing cloth such as miniskirt nowadays, when you go to universities, you discover that both married and single girls dressing the same in the name of fashion. Married women have lost the dignity, respect as mothers in the society allin the name of “fashion”. Some of these women always ‘say’ why they dress like young girls or ladies that their husbands will not go looking for young girls some married women, young girls have been embarrassed and even abused because of their outrageous outfit. As a lady you must be caution on the kind of clothe you put on. Do you know either positively or negatively in the heart of people. Your dressing could show if you are responsible or irresponsible.
            Nowadays, different styles of dressing are in vogue low-waist hot-bosom, etc. All these have the society’s moral value to it lowest ebb.
            In a nation that is endowed with varieties of culture and traditions, it is annoying seeing this culture and tradition going to extination.
            Nigerians find it difficult to dress in their local attire as it regarded as old and archaic. Most ladies have been sexually abused because of their mode of dressing. 

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