Friday, 17 July 2015


One of the most popular concepts in recent times is globalization. Globalization is a complex and multifaceted concept that has generated controversy from its meaning, its time line, it’s future as well as whether it is serving the interest of all or it is benefiting just a few countries or individuals in the world. Due to the fact that it cuts across almost all disciplines, each of the disciplines proffers varying definitions and interpretations for the concept. Although the existence of globalization has been demonstrated in empirical case studies, its definition
still remains vague, elusive, and even contradictory. The lack of an essential definition has contributed, at least partially, to keep globalization as highlycontested subject (Acosta and Gonzalez, 2010).CesarePoppi (1997: 300) notes that: The literature stemming from the debate on globalization has grown in the last decade beyond any individual’s capability of extracting a workable definition of the concept. In a sense, the meaning of the concept is self-evident, in another, it is vague andobscure as its reaches are wide and constantly shifting. Perhaps, more than any other concept, globalization is the debate about it.Shenkar and Luo(2004: 199)refer to globalization as “the growing economic interdependencies of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, as well as through the rapid and widespread diffusion of technology and information.” Globalization involves economic integration; the transfer of policies across borders; the transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; the reproduction, relations, and discourses of power; it is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and an establishment of the global market free from sociopolitical control. It has helped to liberalize national economics by creating a global market place in which all nations must participate directly or
indirectly: Thisundoubtedly led to growing activities and power of international financial investors mainly presented by multi-national corporations(Jaja, 2010).
Although many scholars focus on the economic dimension  ,the process of globalization is not restricted to the economic sphere alone. It also has social, political, environmental, cultural, religious dimensions, among others. As pointed out by Tony Schirato and Jan Webb(2003), “globalization is a process integrating not just the economy but, culture, technologyandgovernance”.Advances in technology such as global telecommunication infrastructure, cross border data flow, the Internet, satellite networks and wireless telephones are all credited to globalization. Computers, mobile phones, and the Internet have brought about major transformation in world communication. In fact, it is not only that communication across the globe has been made easier by this technology, apparently, countries without this technology is more or less excluded from world development. Also, improvements in transportation have resulted in a dramatic decline in the costs of transporting goods by air, water, and, land.
However, some writers characterize globalization as the third phase of colonization, the second phase being neo-colonialism. On this view, Western countries are employing globalization to extend and strengthen the fundamentally exploitative relations established between colonial powers and the colonized over the past 400
years(Mulinge and Munyae, 2001: 113). Industrialized countries are essentially entrenching a global capitalist system and consumer culture by establishing a global market controlled by the most dominant interests within the ruling elites of these multinational companies.

Iyayi(2004: 24)posits that globalization “has been used rather loosely to stand for a variety of things: the shrinking of the world into a global village, the awesome changes brought about or mandated by the revolution in information technology, the collapse of boundaries between different worlds, expanding connectivity of all forms of interaction.” Scholte(1997)argues that globalization facilitates the removal of barriers among nations of the world, thereby giving social relations unhindered access. The unique characteristics of globalization often includes increased capital mobility, decline in costs of transportation, computing and communications. Other aims of globalization from the economic perspective include: (a) internationalization of production accompanied by changes in the structure of production, (b) expansion of international trade and services, and (c) widening and
Deepening of international capital flows(Mrak, 2000). All these imply a more connected world.


Globalization can have both positive and negative effects on the environment. It can exacerbate environmental problems as well as provide new means for addressing them. However, the negative effects of globalization seem to outweigh its positive effects. Globalization has had a negative impact on the environment through deforestation. According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, globalization is often viewed as a root cause of deforestation. The overuse of natural resources due to increased demand and also the removal of ecosystems due to population growth have had a large negative impact on the environment. Extensive deforestation has occurred world-wide with the logging industry being fuelled by the need for disposable products. Thus, deforestation whether it is for an increase in demand or for expansion is causing a loss of biological diversity on the planet (Francesob,2010). Nigeria is not exempted from the impact of deforestation. The country’s rain forest is depleting fast majorly as a result of international trade. Kalbessa (2007: 103) observed that, under the current international law, trans-national corporations are free to promote their interests in any part of the world. They have continued to establish industries in various countries by destroying the natural forest and dismantling the source of the peasant farmers’ survival. Various
plant and animal species are doomed to extinction owing to the loss of forest.
Apart from contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer, deforestation also affects water cycle. Trees extract groundwater through their roots and release it into the atmosphere. When part of a forest is removed, the trees no longer evaporate away this water, resulting in a much drier climate. Deforestation reduces the content of water in the soil and groundwater as well as atmospheric moisture. Deforestation reduces soil cohesion, so that erosion, flooding and landslides occur.
Globalization has brought about various forms of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution has been described as the contamination of the environment by biological, chemical, and or physical agents that are harmful to human, animal or plant, life and the general environment, and may arise through the natural events, industrial and human activities or the interaction of all
(Otukong, 2002: 3). Pollution of the environment is attributed to the increase in industries, burning of fossil fuels to run the industries, machines and for transport of both raw and finished products to different places. Theactivities of oil industries and multinational corporations in oil producing areas of the country, mostly in the
Niger Delta area is a major source of environmental concern in the country. Oil industry activities –exploration, production, refining, and transportation
–have caused widespread social and ecological disturbances. These include explosions from seismic surveys, pollution from pipeline leaks, blowouts, flaring, drilling floods, and refinery effluents, as well as land alienation and widespread disruption of natural terrain from construction of oil-related industrial infrastructure and installations. Oil producing areas in Rivers, Delta and Cross Rivers are most affected. The impact of the exploratory and extractive activities of global forces -Shell whose operation in Nigeria alone accounts for 14 % of its total global operations, Mobil Agip, Cheveron, Texaco, Total, etc. -have basically affected the social organization of the Ogoni people and the Niger Delta in general
(Kelbessa, 2007).One major activity of these multinational companies that has a tremendous environmental impact is gas flaring. According to the World Bank, by 2002 flaring in the country had contributed more greenhouse gases to the Earth’s atmosphere than all other sources in sub-Saharan Africa combined –and yet this gas is not being used as a fuel(Friends of the Earth, 2004: 1-2). According to The News Magazine of 18 April 2011, the NNPC, in its May 2010 report, stated that of the 192 billion standard cubic feet (BSCF) of gas produced during the period, over 145 BSCF was flared.This is done at the detriment of the environment. All what flaring of gasdoes is to contribute to climate change which is already a major global threat, manifesting in food insecurity, diseases, skin cancer, and also increasing rise in the cost of extreme weather damage. People living in the area where gas is being flared are the worst hit. The flares contain toxins, such as benzene, which pollute the air, resulting in respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. Gas flaring is environmentally unethical and has contributed significantly to the degradation of the environment in the region. According to Eregha and Irughe(2009), this practice may have altered the vegetation of the area, replacing natural vegetation withstubborn grasses and the presence of these grasses indicates that the soil is no longer fertile for cultivation of crops. A major example could be seen in Opuama and Sekewu communities in the Warri North
Local GovernmentArea of Delta State in the region. It is evident that gas flaring has affected the ozone layer of the region leading to climate change that is unhealthy to crops cultivation. In other words, due to the intense heat that accompanies gas flaring, vegetation in the vicinityare bound to be
Affected as plants will not grow in such an area.


Another major challenge of globalization in Nigeria is that of electronic waste (e-waste). “Electronic waste” or “e-waste” may be defined as all secondary computers, entertainment device electronics, mobile phones, and other items such as television sets and refrigerators, whether sold, donated, or discarded by their original owners. This definition includes used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal(Omatek Ventures: 2011). According to AchimSteine(2007), UNUnder-Secretary-General and Executive Director of
the UN Environment Programme, “globalization is triggering a massive rise in electronic wastes, some of which are being dumped in Asia and Africa: one investigation indicates that at least 100,000 computers arrive at the port of Lagos alone each month. Up to three quarters of the imports —which also includes old televisions and mobile phones —will end up in an African rubbish tip or open air incinerator”. In other words, with computer manufacturers competing intensely in terms of innovation, the raw processing power of computers is rapidly increasing, resulting in a large number of machines becoming obsolete in increasingly short periods of time and also due to ongoing technological advancement, many elect- ronic products become obsolete within a very short period of time, creating a large surplus of unwanted electronic products. As a result of lower environmental standards and working conditions in most developing countries, e-waste is
being sent to these countries without any concern on the negative environmental impact as well as the negative impact on the health of the citizens of these countries. When handled improperly, e-waste presents significant
human health and environmental risks due to the toxicity of materials used in many electronic products (See Table 1).Many of these electronic items which are obsolete are imported into the country by business men who are out
to make their profit. They sell the items as ‘Tokunbo’or ‘second hand’ items.
Many Nigerians buy these items because they are believed to be cheaper than new ones and are purportedly better than new items that are manufactured within Nigeria. Also, some foreign organizations and agencies source these electronic gadgets from the western countries through donations and send them down to Nigerian schools, hospitals and other places. Some of these gadgets are sometimes unusable and beyond repairs. Domwatch, an anti-dumping group in a report said a UK-based organization once offered to donate 10,000 computers to a Nigerian NGO but only 2,000 of the computers were found to be okay and in reusable condition(PARC: 2009).Consequently, the electronic gadgets that are unusable and unserviceable have to be dumped in dumpsites, constituting health hazard for Nigerians. These dumpsites are daily visited by scavengers, especially women and
the youth who are in search of metals that can be sold for various use .Theremantes are usually burnt, resulting in toxic emissions and airpollutiontherebycompounding health problems and also adding to the depletion of the ozone layer. An estimated 53, 600 metric tonnes of e-waste are dumped annually at Lagos State landfills which include 860,000 computers, 530,000 printers, 900,000 monitors and 480,000 television sets(LASEPA, 2011).E-waste is considered a crucial environmental issue due to its rapidly growing volume and hazardous content which may leak into the environment if it is not properly disposed of, and cause adverse effect on human health and the environment. Dumping of e-waste in any environment including Nigeria has negative health consequences such as leaching toxins into the soil, air and groundwater which later enter into crops, animals and human body systems causing contamination and pollution. Medical experts have warned that exposure to these substances can cause damage to blood and nervous systems, DNA, immune systems, kidneys and can lead to respiratory and skin disorders and lung cancer and can interfere with regulatory hormones and brain development
(Osuagwu and Ikerionwu, 2010).Since Nigerians are moving with the tides of globalization and will continue to use these electronic products, the only option left for the country is for the government to put in place effective policy, law and regulation for the management of e-waste in Nigeria.


Another major environmental hazard associated with globalization is the influx of generating sets, commonly called generators in Nigeria. Due to incessant cut in power supply in Nigeria, most homes and industries resort to the use of generators. Nigeria is the largest importer of generators in the world, with over N1.3 trillions been spent in the last four years purchasing generators in an effort to respond to the declining power supply in the country. The generator is a source of noise and air pollution in the country. Many industries as well as many homes use generators for twenty four hours as an alternative source of power supply, despite the fact that they are only meant to be backups for electricity. Also, apart from the nuisance it constitutes as a result of noise in the neighborhood, many Nigerians have lost their lives from the use of generators either through an electrical shock or the inhalation of generator fumes, which often contain carbon monoxide. Also, the way and manner diesel and petrol are stored in many homes for use in their generators portends high risk for the environment. This is due to their inflammable nature, making generators unsafe for use sometimes within homes. Many houses do not have designated places for storing these items, and the fuel and generators are often kept carelessly around or even within the building, thereby increasing the risk of fire outbreaks. Undocumented incidences of fire outbreaks caused by the use of generators happen almost every week around the country.


By some aspects of globalization is undeniable, the real issue is whether the negative effects of its sweeping processes can be ameliorated -and the positive effects enhanced. This is because it is apparent that globalization has come to stay. There is a need for Nigerians to preserve their cultures in any way possible. It is a
shame that many Nigerian children of this generation cannot speak their mother tongue or understand their cultures. Nigerians need to exploit the process of globalization to promote their cultures. For example, the internet can be employed to propagate the country’s culture. There could be website where the youth could browse to learn proverbs and the rudiments of their cultures. There is, therefore, a need for a reassessment of how Nigeria has fared in the era of globalization.
Science in a globalizing world has benefits that Nigeria can and should take advantage of. The era of computers, revolutionized telecommunication and the Internet is what the country cannot shy away from, but the positives of the times should be properly harnessed for the country to appropriately benefit from globalization. Instead of a consolidation of the cultures and values of the country, various dimensions of globalization continue to erode what makes this part of the world unique. Imitations and adoption of western values are being done at the
detriment of the nation’s essence of existence. Nigeria needs to phantom how it will not be swallowed by globalization. Instead of total reliance on what the west
is handing down, the country needs to encourage local production and industry. There is a need for Nigeria to demonstrate her beliefs inindigenous technical knowledge and skills, instead of being subjected to the mercy of globalization without being globalized in the real sense of it. The country must be proud of her heritage and way of life, instead of being submerged in the western way of life.
Also, overdependence on oil, which is also a vehicle driving globalization, may spell doom for the country. There is a need for a return to agriculture as the
mainstay of the country’s economy. By doing so, it will reduce the dependence of the country on the western world.The existing government policy and regulation in the management and control of e-waste in Nigeria is inadequate and insufficient for proper management. There is a need for the government to pass laws to restrict and limit the flow of hazardous substances and discarded electronics into Nigeria. Also, only electronics manufactured by companies who comply with non-toxic components requirement and those with details informing consumers
about the chemicals used should be allowed into Nigeria. Lack of data on the volume of e-waste imported into the country or generated domestically, constitute a primary challenge facing Regulators.

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